Sunday, July 25, 2010

I want to be...

The ‘I want to be...’ exhibition at school was a great success. They pupils that had volunteered to take part took great pride in their portraits. The one big surprise and the best thing about the project was witnessing the children enjoying reading, they were engaged, excited and inspired!
Any international comments about the work would be greatly received, I'll feed them back to everyone here next term. Please click below or under the pupil's photo, thanks.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I come from Wa in the Eastern Region, the subjects I like best are Integrated Science and Grammar. In the future I want to become a medical doctor. A medical doctor is a person who takes care of sick people. There are people who are dying from various diseases and as a medical doctor it would be my right to help them. In my community there are lots of people getting sick. People are dying from diseases and there are not enough hospitals. I know if I become a doctor those people having the diseases will be all right. This is why I want to become a doctor in
the future.

Nuride Nasiru P5A
12 years old


I come from Battor Vvome in the Volta Region but I stay at Trasacco Valley, Accra. I would like to become a scientist because in my community there are only a few scientists. I would like to learn about the weather and the environment. When I was young people said I will become a scientist so I will learn hard so I can get good marks.

Tenni Kuleke P5A
14 years old


What will you do when you leave school? I will go to training college. Why? Because I want to become a teacher. A teacher is important in society because they teach everybody to become somebody. Without a teacher a doctor cannot become a doctor because it is the teacher who teaches them the skills and knowledge to do all such work in the hospital. Even a president was taught by a teacher, even a lawyer and an accountant. As a teacher I will not be concerned with the money I will earn the reward in heaven. I will try as much as possible to pass my exams and pass to training college where I will become a trained teacher to the end of my life. The nation will also benefit from my service as a teacher and I will also be able to educate my children properly.

Richard Agbenorxeui P5B
16 years old


I want to become a newsreader in the future. The reason I want to become a newsreader is that when I see people on television I feel happy and want to become a newsreader. My role model is Nan Aba Anomoah anytime I see her on television I feel happy. She is always smiling when she is reading the news.

Sophia Gardi P5A

14 years old


In the future I want to be a footballer. I want to be like Christian Ronaldo. When I become rich I will help my parents first, my family second, my school third and my teachers forth and I will build a new classroom fifth. I will give my school books, pencils, pens and a school bus.

Zackaria Mohammed
P5A 12 years old


I would like to become a creative artist. I love creative art which is the act of creating something with imagination and putting new ideas into drawing and painting. I will design logos for various companies and signboards which shows the nature and location of the company. I will use my talent to design billboards which show directions to places and posters about HIV, polio and other related issues which are educational. I will also design information drawings for schools, hospitals and transport. This is the work I will be doing in the future.

Nasirul Muniru P5B
13 years old


When I finish my junior high school I will go to senior high school. Then I will go to university, after that I will learn the book of law and become a judge. As a judge I will work hard to help my nation Ghana and I will be a faithful judge. As a Ghanaian I will stand and defend my people and I will have justice in everything I do. To be a judge is not a joke so I will read a lot of books and pray to God to give me wisdom to handle cases and I will advise my school mates to take their work seriously so that they will also be a star one day in the future.

Leticia Dnso P4B
11 years old


I want to become someone great in the future so that I can help my brothers to become somebody special in their future life. The reason I want to become a musician is because I want to help those who sleep on the roadsides or beg for money to get something to eat.

Paulina Nartey P5B
14 years old


I want to become a policeman because I want to arrest the people who are bad because I do not want Ghana to be dangerous. I want Ghana to be safe. I do not want criminals to destroy the country. This is why I want to be a policeman.

Omudie Osei Joseph P4A
16 years old


I would like to become a teacher because in my childhood I always dreamt of becoming a teacher. I always like seeing teachers going to work or teaching. Without teachers no one can become someone great in the future. Teachers have so much knowledge to share. I also want to have more knowledge. The the reason I want to become a teacher is to help children become good and great in the future.

Rita Avuwoada P5A
13 years old


This is the work I want to do in the future, I want to become a medical doctor in the future because in my community there are not enough doctors. Even in my country my big sister died in the house because there was no doctor to treat her. This is why I want to become a doctor in the future so I can treat my community and my people may not die but they may live long.

Mawusi Zotepe P5A
15 years old


My name is Dotse Gagba, I want to be a footballer. I love football very much. Football is my favourite sport. When I finish school it’s the game I want to play. I want to be as good as the Black Stars. I want to earn lots of money so I will look after my family and build them a house then, we will go on holiday to the UK.

Dotse Gaba P5A
15 years old


My name is Lois Agyemang. I am talking about my future. In the future I want to become a singer. When I was seven years old I told my mother that I would become a singer. I will become a gospel singer because I love singing. My mother told me I must learn hard because school is the beginning of my future.

Louis Agyemang P5A
11 years old


My name is Evelyn Klu and this is what I want to be. I want to be a doctor in the future. I want to work hard and take care of my family. I want to work like those who work in the hospital.

Evelyn Klu P5B
10 years old


I want to be a bank manager. I want to learn hard to be a bank manager and take care of my family so that they will not suffer.

Edmond Hammond P4B
11 years old


I want to become a doctor when I leave school and the reason I want to be a doctor is I want to save people’s lives. I know in this world people die because they don’t have the money that the doctor has requested for, so they die. I will work hard to become a doctor I know that whatever happens I will be a doctor.

Baba Abigail P5A
13 years old

Bernard, Fafa, Gethywill, Fred, Divine, Foster, Florence, Ebenezer, Issac, Justice, Prisca, Rita and Vida.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Welcome to our first posting from Adjiringanor Primary, Accra, Ghana. Here is our first project ‘I want to be...’. Pupils were invited to write a short paragraph explaining what they want to be in the future.

The portraits of the all entrants will be shown at an exhibition at our very First Speech and Prize Giving Day on the 9th of July 2010. However, I thought this shouldn’t be an exclusive affair so now everybody anywhere in the world can see it too. We hope you enjoy.